Thursday, February 17, 2011

Stalactite and Stalagmite Cave

Stalactites are sharp pieces of rock that hang down from the top of a cave.  We went to a cave and saw a stalactite shaped like a witch and one shaped like a laser motor boat.  Here are some pictures of the cave. I took my night vision goggles to the cave with me!


  1. Hi Jonah,

    Looks like you are having a fabulous time in Israel, and going on lots of cool adventures.
    Please keep blogging, so that we can read about all the fun things you are doing!

    Love, Jill Kahn

  2. heyy Jonah it's Emilie! Israel must be a ton of fun! It looks like you are having great adventures and experiencing cool things! Keep updating your blog! I miss you so much! Love Emilie

  3. Hi Jonah,
    Uncle Jerry and I love reading about your adventures in Israel. Keep blogging! Love, Aunt Jo

  4. Hi Jonah,
    This is Ryan talking to you and my mom is typing for me. I hope you're having a good time in Israel. I lost a tooth and you lost a tooth while you were away! I just lost my tooth today!!! Talk to you soon!

    Your friend,
